Optimizing the Magento based website requires smart and informative strategies. Magento is one of the most polpular e-commerce application and like every site it requires some good optimization and online marketing practices to create a great impact on the potential users. Here is the list of basics SEO requirements that we can follow for a Magento based website to create effective online store with lots of traffic.
1. Magento Sitemap – Magento has a great Google XML sitemap generation tool (System > Configuration > Google Sitemap) to great custom sitemap helping to indexing the pages to create maximum impact.
2. Choose SEO compatibility design: Always choose a scalable and flexible Magento design, which should be search engine friendly. A website layout and design can create a great impact on website compatibility towards major search engines such as Google, bing and yahoo.
3. Magento Search Friendly URLs: Always create SEO friendly URLs which are easily recognized by search engines for your important keywords. you can “Enable” Server URL Rewrites. This can be done under System—-Configuration—-Web—-Search Engines Optimization.
4. Creating tags and meta tags: Creating the right tags and meta tags for Magento website pages can help your website index better to help the site rise the ranking. Always research the most demanding keywords and target your website tags and contents towards those keywords.
5. Eliminate Duplicate Content: make sure your site does not have duplicate content including meta tags. Duplicate content can lead to Google penalizing your page hence reducing the chance your Magento site page getting the top ranking.
6. Clean up or optimize your code: make sure your Magento site code is well optimized and does not have bugs which may slow down the site.
7. Noindex, follow for non-content pages: Use this method to avoid unnecessary indexing your web pages you do not want to index in the search engines.
Magento is a great innovative platform and if an optimized SEO and SEM strategy is followed, no body can stop the site to become a top performer.