How can I drive traffic to my website?
There are billions of webpages around the world vying for the traffic. Make your website standout and always write original content. Give your website visitors useful and good content or information. Visitors always like content that is relevant to their search and is useful such as text, image, video or even info graphics. Use Tactics to Grab Your Readers Attention and always keep updating your website so that your users are not fed with the same content rather they have something new and informative.
What is off page optimization?
Getting links from other websites is off page optimization. In other words it’s an optimization process which does not involves but your website but is a process to improve your seo rankings and visibility. Off Page Optimization is more focused on link building work and Social Media Marketing.
What is Online Reputation Management or ORM?
Online Reputation Management is the process of managing your web reputation by suppressing the negative feedback using different posting strategies. When people search for you or your company, they need to see your positive image. Negative feedback or image can spoil your business. Using ORM, the SEO companies deploy several strategies to push back the negative feedback to bring a clean image.
How important is Social media for your website?
Social is a great tool or medium to generate traffic as well they help you increase the website rankings. Websites such as Google plus, Facebook and twitter are known to helps to enhance the rankings and as well as organic traffic. Social media is not relevant for everyone. If you are running an e-e-commerce website, Social media is a must for you.
Should I buy links to get more traffic?
Google strongly discourage the use of paid links and may penalize you if know to buy links. Google clearly states that buying backlinks to improve your rankings breaches their guidelines. Rather focus on driving traffic through various approved methods such as Social media shares, Video marketing, News updates, blogging and viral marketing. This process may take some time and patience but it is always worth it.
What is Local SEO and why is it important?
Local SEO has become more important that ever before as it helps you acquire local customers within your area or city. Local SEO is basically promoting your services keeping in mind the local audience. It involves promoting services on local search directories such as Google local business, Yelp, Foursquare, Kijiji etc. Part of SEO also includes positive review posted by verified and authentic users. Your local SEO results may be different from results from other areas. For example, if you are looking for Network Cabling in Toronto, you find top 10 results different from Mississauga. This is local SEO and it varies based on your review, promotions and efforts you made to rank your website on top.